Saturday, August 31, 2019

Copy And Paste | paste special | transpose

1.       Simple Paste Even CTRL+V serves the same purpose (1 and CTRL+V’s logos are same). Even any comments in the cell is also carried. Rather everything carried.
After copying if you hit Enter after selecting the destination it will do the same.
2.       Data and formula will be copied (No format). Even comments will not be carried to the new destination.
3.       Format will be pasted along with number formatting.
4.       Same as 1 & Ctrl+V
5.       Other than the border everything will be carried.
6.       This is just a replica of the source. Even source column width is to be maintained.
7.       Transpose option. Row & column perspective is to be changed. Other thing will remain the same.
8.       Only values will be shifted. Formatting, borders, colours, comments nothing will be shifted.
9.       Mostly same as 8
10.   All values and formatting, comments, except formula, is to be carried to the new destination.

Paste Special leads to different window.
Where some more options will be found.

                                   Paste Special Dialogue Box

Interestingly the ‘Formats’ option only carries the formats, say colour, border etc. No data.
Comments option carries the comments in the cell only to the destination.
Other options are mostly discussed above.

Under Operation head.
Let’s see how Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide works. Most of the time we will use none.

  What about Cut Paste (Ctrl+x keyboard shortcut)?
When you cut and paste only option is Ctrl+V that is pasting entire thing.