Monday, September 2, 2019

Format Painter & Font | font style and size


                                  FORMAT PAINTER



 Format Painter

 Format Painter function basically transfers the format of the selected cell or cells to different cell or cells.
1. Click the source cell (where format is present).
2. Now Left Click on Format Painter function.
3. You will see marching ants on the clicked cell/source cell and the mouse pointer has been changed to a brush.
4. Click the destination cell where the format to transfer.

This is to remember that data will not be transferred only format of the source cell will be transferred to the destination cell.

 Bold, Italics and Underline

1. Select the cell (Left Click) where you make the text or numbers to bold.
2. Click (Left Click) on Bold function.
3. Instead of step 2 use keyboard shortcut

Above steps valid for Italics and Underline.

Keyboard shortcut
Bold (Ctrl+B)
Italics (Ctrl+I)
Underline (Ctrl+U)

Font Style and Size

You can select the font style. By selecting the required style from Font Style drop down box you can change the font of the cell.
Since we are using Excel 2016 Calibri is the default font style. You can change the default font style for your sheets.
You can select the definite font size from Font Size drop down list. You even can write in the Font Size box the font size you want to incorporate. Say 11.5
You can increase the font size by clicking at 'Increase Font Size' icon and similarly to decrease font size you can click on 'Decrease Font' Size icon.


We can incorporate borders for cell from 'Border' drop down list box.
There are different style of borders.
Even after bordering you can de-border the cell by clicking 'No Border' option in the middle of the drop down list.
One can delete a particular border by selecting Erase Border option from drop down list.
After selecting the Erase border option click the border you want to remove.

Fill Color and Font Color

You can change the fill color of cell by selecting the color from the Fill Color bucket icon.
From the drop down swatches list, one can select the color to fill the cell.
One can change the font color from the font color swatches (icon marked with 'A'- color of the alphabet indicates the color of the font)

Format Cell Dialogue Box

Format Cell Dialogue Box

At the top of the Format Cell box there are number of tabs.
We will understand the usage of those tabs other than Protection Tab, Number tab with the help of this video.


  1. utterly useful blog.i,personally got to know a lot about excel from your blog.need not to say that i am becoming 'excel literate'while reading your blog.
    Thank you
